Sunday 7 August 2011

Surround yourself with positivity

Linda Bergkvist

In my opinion, there is nothing worse than an individual or a group of people picking out every fault, every mistake you’ve made and every little flaw you never realised you had until mentioned by inconsiderate, ignorant so called ‘perfect’ people. By hanging around with these people, they are only suppressing your spirit and positive attitude.

Does this sound familiar to you?
It is mainly girls who are targeted to this sort of atmosphere and behaviour. I want all the girls who have been picked on for not looking a certain way and all the boys not to be pressured into wearing costly designer clothing and to realise that looks and appearance is nothing in comparison to personality and character.
You will probably come to terms with this more at a later age when searching for a soul mate. Would you rather an amazing looking partner with the most dull, self-centred character with no sense of humour over a decent looking person that entertains you every day, offers a shoulder to cry on and a helping hand when things aren’t going so well?
It has been noted that good looking people tend to have dreary or a vein persona.

In time, after you have let people scrutinize different aspects of you and scathe you, you will start to find yourself taking measures to change FOR THEM. You must know that you’re not (most the time) doing it for yourself, but for other people. You mustn’t let them get the better of you!

You may start considering surgery or for minuet imperfections, putting on a mask. This mask is being increasingly common and gradually more in younger teens, as the age is now dropping to as young as 12. This mask is make-up and in this circumstance, I am mainly talking about foundation being caked on in thick layers. This mask is enabling people to see the real you with your imperfections. Make-up and other masks are not the way round.

Let’s face it, EVERYONE has their faults. You must accept yourself and the way God made you. You must not let anyone tell you or influence you to change. Everything about you good or bad, it makes you who you are. Without your flaws, you are incomplete.

The way around:
-Surround yourself with people who will inspire you
-Surround yourself with people who will motivate you
-These people are preventing you to aim high because they are brainwashing and making you feel like you can't
-Remember, the people who judge have the most insecurities
-You are your own person, don’t change that for anyone
-A negative atmosphere puts you down so if this is a common occurrence for you, associate yourself with a different circle of friends.
-NOTE: Carry on with these people and you may start finding yourself doing the same to others.

-If no one is perfect, how can we define it?

-Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.